
What does it cost to attend an inte­gration course?

If you are admitted to an integration course, you will need to pay a cost contribution of €1.95 per hour of teaching. If you registered for an integration course before 1 July 2016, you will pay €1.55 per hour of teaching.

If you receive Arbeitslosengeld II [unemployment benefit II] or Sozialhilfe [social assistance], you may be exempt from the costs. You may attend the course free of charge if you submit a corresponding Application for Exemption from Contribution to Costs of Integration Course (only available in German).

You may also attend free of charge if it is particularly hard for you to pay because of your financial or personal situation and cannot finance it yourself. In such situations, the Federal Office will make a hardship case assessment.

If you are entitled to attend an integration course free of charge, you may also be reimbursed the necessary travel costs by submitting an Application for Reimbursement of Travel Costs.

Ethnic German Resettlers who arrived in Germany after 01/01/2015 can attend an integration course free of charge. Ethnic German Resettlers who came before 01/01/2015 have to apply to attend free of charge. This is usually approved, unless they have not yet attended some language training.